Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown)

Looking for Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown) Great Deals, Online shopping, Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown) Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown)

Meet the next generation of electric stringed instruments! The Silent Practice Plus violin offers players the most sophisticated features in an electric stringed instrument. The new SV-150 Silent Practice Plus Violin takes practice to an entirely new level with its new-concept control box featuring digital tuner, digital metronome and more than 20 digital sound effects. Effects include reverb, distortion and vibrato. An SD card player makes it possible to play along with your favorite recorded tracks in mp3, m4a, wav, and MIDI file formats. The Player can slow down to 50% or speed up to 150% of the original track speed, maintaining the same pitch. Download any tracks to the SD card and play along to anything, anytime. Incluedes Control box Headphones and SD card. Case Not Included

Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown)
Product By : Yamaha

Yamaha YSV150K Silent Violin (Brown) #.

  • Music Player: SD-Card Function - mp3, m4a, MIDI & WAV files
  • 25 Digital Effects with adjustible parameters
  • Digital Metronome & Tuner
  • Standard 1/8" connections to headphones or speakers
  • Includes Control box, Headphones and SD card. Case Not Included
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