Epifani UL2-410 Bass Speaker Cabinet 4 Ohm

✚✚✚ Epifani UL2-410 Bass Speaker Cabinet 4 Ohm

The Epiphani UL2-410 is a lightweight bass cabinet housing 4 x 250w, 10" Neo drivers with a cast aluminum frame and 100W RMS tweeter. Featuring superb frequency response, an enhanced dynamic range and deep tonal character, it's the next logical step forward for Epiphani following the success of their original UL Series. Using advanced transducer technology and a newly designed, proprietary driver, Epiphani has lowered the weight and increased the warmth and depth of the cabinet's sound while maintaining the power handling and precise voicing many great bassists have come to rely on. You're sure to find the UL2-410 at the top of your list for your bottom line.

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Epifani UL2-410 Bass Speaker Cabinet 4 Ohm - The Epiphani UL2-410 is a lightweight bass cabinet housing 4 x 250w, 10" Neo drivers with a cast aluminum frame and 100W RMS tweeter. Featuring superb frequency response, an enhanced dynamic range and deep tonal character, it's the next logical step forward for Epiphani following the success of their original UL Series. Using advanced transducer technology and a newly designed, proprietary driver, Epiphani has lowered the weight and increased the warmth and depth of the cabinet's sound while maintaining the power handling and precise voicing many great bassists have come to rely on. You're sure to find the UL2-410 at the top of your list for your bottom line..

  • 4 - 10" Neo drivers with cast aluminum frames100W RMS tweeterRecessed handlesLightweight cabinet
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