Schonbek Worldwide DIW0807SUN Dionyx Wall Sconce, Silver

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Schonbek Worldwide DIW0807SUN Dionyx Wall Sconce, Silver

Product By : Schonbek Worldwide Lighting

Schonbek Worldwide DIW0807SUN Dionyx Wall Sconce, Silver . Finish:Silver, Crystal:Sun Dance Swarovski Elements, Light Bulb:(1)100w A19 Med C Incand The unusual shape of Dionyx is a softly rounded cylinder, something like a cask of wine. And in fact, the name Dionyx is inspired by the mythical Dionysus, whose love of wine is legendary. By association, Dionyx will be a real find for homeowners who love to entertain. The crystal composition is unique, tiny crystal jewels are massed together in a softly rounded cylinder of light. Because the crystal facets are so small, you have zillions of teensy prisms madly glittering. The effect is like stardust gone wild. To achieve the heady brilliance of Dionyx, Schonbek worked with the finest crystal in the world: your choice of Swarovski Elements Crystal or SPECTRA Swarovski Crystal. Dishwasher safe. The crystal panels pop off easily, so that cleaning is a user-friendly experience. Schonbek products and prices


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