Sandia 86-3200 Dual 3 Stage Vacuum Motor Sniper Commercial Extractor with In-Line Heater, 6 Gallon Capacity, 200 psi Pump

✚✚✚ Sandia 86-3200 Dual 3 Stage Vacuum Motor Sniper Commercial Extractor with In-Line Heater, 6 Gallon Capacity, 200 psi Pump

Combines a demand-type 200 psi solution Pump and heavy-duty, dual 3 stage vacuum motor system for superior cleaning results and faster drying time. Fully portable, constructed of lightweight rotational molded polyethylene for maximum strength and maneuvers on large rear wheels and 3 inch double ball bearing casters. Convenient 6-gallon capacity solution and recovery tank, 12 inch cleaning path and tank overflo with protection. Easy twist access port quick removal, won’t freeze in place. Trigger sprayer holders for spotting chemicals and agitation brushes. Molded-in air deflector reduces turbulence within the recovery tank. Top-mounted controls and connections, recessed for protection. Double-sided indestructible solution access port. Molded lifting handles. Rotary latch. Automatic vacuum restrictor. Ribbed recovery tank for added strength. Angled recovery tank drains all liquids. Semi-pneumatic wheels for smooth, quiet operation Patent Pending Induction Motor Cooling. 1 Year warranty in parts.Includes:(2) 25ft. Power cords. Hose and wand kit sold separately.

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Sandia 86-3200 Dual 3 Stage Vacuum Motor Sniper Commercial Extractor with In-Line Heater, 6 Gallon Capacity, 200 psi Pump - Combines a demand-type 200 psi solution Pump and heavy-duty, dual 3 stage vacuum motor system for superior cleaning results and faster drying time. Fully portable, constructed of lightweight rotational molded polyethylene for maximum strength and maneuvers on large rear wheels and 3 inch double ball bearing casters. Convenient 6-gallon capacity solution and recovery tank, 12 inch cleaning path and tank overflo with protection. Easy twist access port quick removal, won’t freeze in place. Trigger sprayer holders for spotting chemicals and agitation brushes. Molded-in air deflector reduces turbulence within the recovery tank. Top-mounted controls and connections, recessed for protection. Double-sided indestructible solution access port. Molded lifting handles. Rotary latch. Automatic vacuum restrictor. Ribbed recovery tank for added strength. Angled recovery tank drains all liquids. Semi-pneumatic wheels for smooth, quiet operation Patent Pending Induction Motor Cooling. 1 Year warranty in parts.Includes:(2) 25ft. Power cords. Hose and wand kit sold separately..

  • Molded-in air deflector reduces turbulence within the recovery tank
  • Top-mounted controls and connections, recessed for protection
  • Double-sided indestructible solution access port
  • Trigger sprayer holders for spotting chemicals and agitation brushes
  • Automatic vacuum restrictor
  • Sandia 86-3200 Dual 3 Stage Vacuum Motor Sniper Commercial Extractor with In-Line Heater, 6 Gallon Capacity, 200 psi Pump?

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