Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike

Looking for Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike Great Deals, Online shopping, Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike

The Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike offers one of the most effective low-impact aerobic exercises to build cardiovascular fitness and build lower body strength without the impact on your joints. Designed to put you in a semi-reclined position so you work all the major muscles in your hips, thighs, and buttocks, the self-balancing foot pedals with wide adjustable straps hold your feet securely, and the extra large seat with high density contoured pads and lumbar support bring unparallelled comfort. The Multisports Recumbent Bike features 12 Pre-Set workout programs, target HR program, and wireless and contact heart rate monitoring. The large LCD window displays time, speed, distance, heart rate, calories, watt, and RPM. One of the best features is that this bike is completely self-generated, no external power needed just get on and your movement gets the bike working! Live well and cycle your way to better health with the quality Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike!

Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike
Product By : Multisports Fitness

Multisports Fitness 755R Commercial Self-Generating Recumbent Bike #.

  • Recumbent Bike Dimensions: 65in L x 24in W x 48in H / Weight: 172 lbs / Max User Weight: 350 Lbs
  • Resistance: Self-Powered Generator System/ 16 levels of Resistance
  • Display: Large LCD Window / Displays: Time, Speed, Distance, Heart Rate, Calories, Watt, and RPM / Power Supply: Self-Generated Power, No External Power Needed
  • Built-In Workout Programs: 12 Pre-Set Programs, and Target HR Program / Heart Rate Monitoring: Wireless and Contact
  • Seat: Extra Large Seat with High Density Contoured Pads and Lumbar Support/ Seat Adjustment: Aluminum Rail for Precision and Smoothness, 24 Positions
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