Veranda Settee BT Blue

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UWharrie Veranda Settee Beautiful Comfort Rustically styled UWharrie chairs are crafted from hand selected pressure treated solid pine lumber, painted and lightly distressed for a beautiful, weathered antique look. They require no additional protection from the elements. Exposure to weather will enhance their rustic appearance, but will not damage them. Weight:30 lbs. Dimensions: 10"W x 47"D x 33"H Please allow up to 3-4 weeks for delivery Color Chart About Uwharrie The Original Uwharrie Chair was created to offer not only all-weather seating, but classically styled, comfortably designed outdoor accents. With their rugged good looks and solid construction, the chairs and their companion pieces provide a balance of aesthetic charm and lifestyle integrity. It is insect and rot resistant, it may be stained or painted (or left natural), and it's milled from a renewable resource: plantation grown southern pine. Uwharrie Chair Company uses heavy, one inch thick premium grade lumber kiln dried after it has been treated. Paints used to coat Uwharrie Chair products are latex enamel.

Veranda Settee BT Blue
Product By : Uwharrie

Veranda Settee BT Blue #.


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