5 pc. Landmann Astena Real Wood Patio Furniture Set - large outdoor teak wood table and 4 stacking chairs, brown / black

Searching for the best reviews 5 pc. Landmann Astena Real Wood Patio Furniture Set - large outdoor teak wood table and 4 stacking chairs, brown / black? Congratulations! Update check prices and customer reviews 5 pc. Landmann Astena Real Wood Patio Furniture Set - large outdoor teak wood table and 4 stacking chairs, brown / black include product reviews and more satisfactory Specs, features and services check it out!

#This set combines the timeless rattan stacking chair Astena from our polyrattan garden furniture series and the teak wood rectangular table as elements for your garden, balcony or the terrace. A noble design which fulfills the highest demands for form and function – for wellbeing on all occasions. Individually or freely combinable with all other products from our garden furniture range of series Astena. Timeless design that sets Mediterranean accents and invites you to stay. Chairs of series Astena support the body pleasantly without being bulky. You can see your comfort, regardless of with or without cushions. If you like to sit with company, you will love Astenafor its convenience. And if you have additional guests, another chair is added quickly. The table you purchased is made from high-quality teak wood. The fibers used for the Astena series are absolutely robust and weather-resistant, and can be cleaned very easily.

Important note before using your furniture with wooden elements:
The production process creates wood particles that can remain on the surface of the furniture. These wash off in the first heavy rain and can lead to marks on the surface. It is best to check this yourself by wiping over the furniture with a damp cloth. If discolorations show up on the cloth, the furniture should be cleaned with clear water before the first use. Teak wood possesses a high degree of ruggedness against the influences of weather. Natural color streaks (black stripes or marks) can result from heightened amounts of natural elements such as fats / waxes. However, these fade markedly in the course of time.

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5 pc. Landmann Astena Real Wood Patio Furniture Set - large outdoor teak wood table and 4 stacking chairs, brown / black .

  • FSC® certified teak wood
  • Set includes 1 table & 4 chairs
  • Beautiful crossover design: light/dark, natural/modern
  • Chair seats are black all-weather wicker
  • Table length: 6 1/4 ft.
  • 5 pc. Landmann Astena Real Wood Patio Furniture Set - large outdoor teak wood table and 4 stacking chairs, brown / black?

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