Summit SP6DSSTBThin

Searching for the best Summit SP6DSSTBThin; Congratulations! Check the specifications, features and feedback from customer feedback include price controls and information more satisfactory Summit SP6DSSTBThin product reviews!

Modern design and advanced technology makes the SP6DS series the perfect combination of elegance and reliability in refrigeration. This under-counter SP6DSSTBThin features three pull-out drawers that glide smoothly for easy access. At just 24" wide and featuring professional stainless steel thin handles, the SP6DSSTBThin takes up little space but has plenty of storage capacity. Finished in stainless steel, it can function as a free-standing or built-in unit in any upscale kitchen. Enjoy the convenience of automatic defrost and the flexibility of an adjustable thermostat. Inside, the SP6DSSTBThin uses SUMMIT's perfectly balanced fan-cooled compressor, evaporator, and condenser in a no-frost yet still energy efficient cooling system. *This item is shipped via standard freight delivery, please allow 3-7 days for delivery.

Summit SP6DSSTBThin

Product By : Summit Appliances

Summit SP6DSSTBThin


  • U.L. Listed
  • All refrigerator
  • 3 stainless steel ventilated drawers
  • Wrapped stainless steel drawer faces
  • Stainless steel cabinet (top and sides)
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