Klaussner Dream Weaver 10-Inch Memory Foam King Mattresses

Searching for the best Klaussner Dream Weaver 10-Inch Memory Foam King Mattresses; Congratulations! Check the specifications, features and feedback from customer feedback include price controls and information more satisfactory Klaussner Dream Weaver 10-Inch Memory Foam King Mattresses product reviews!

Includes Aloe Vera cover, 1" memory foam quilted to top panel, 2.5" of memory foam in the bodyof the mattress. Beginning at this level we are using zippered top panels on all mattresses. Thismakes cover replacements and floor samples easier to handle. It also uses APR foam forsupport and ventilation, border edge foam and high density support foam.

Klaussner Dream Weaver 10-Inch Memory Foam King Mattresses

Product By : Klaussner

Klaussner Dream Weaver 10-Inch Memory Foam King Mattresses


  • Active charcoalfights odors, filters harmful elements, resists mold and mildew
  • Silver technologykills 999-percent of all bacteria and harmful dust mites
  • Aloe veranaturally therapeutic topical that encourages healthy skin and promotes calmness
  • Negative Ionfreshens, purifies and neutralizes harmful allergens, pollen and airborne particles carrying them away from the body and rendering them harmless
  • Bamboo natural renewable cover reduces body heat transfer and adds additional comfort airflow pressure relief foam reduces body pressure and increases in ventilation of the memory foam throughout the mattress for a fresher more comfortable sleep
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