Canby Philadelphia Custom Double Medicine Cabinet, Oversized, White, Left Hinge, Visible Hinge, Wall Mount

Canby Philadelphia Custom Double Medicine Cabinet, Oversized, White, Left Hinge, Visible Hinge, Wall Mount

The Philadelphia Oversized Custom Double Medicine Cabinet by Canby features a custom width, offering you enough room for storing all manner of bathroom accessories, from spare towels to medicine bottles to potpourri bundles. This fantastic, elegantly carved cabinet is made from solid wood and measure 6-1/4" D x 34-1/2" H with a width up to 72" W. It sports two ¼" beveled mirrors, three storage spaces (one open, two hidden) and offers a ton of other customizable options. Choose from 10 available finishes: White, Country Pine, Golden Oak, Traditional Mahogany, American Walnut, Coffee Bean, Cinnamon, Traditional Cherry, Rich Cherry and Unfinished; as well as wall surface or recessed mounting, concealed or visible hinges, and right or left hand doors.

Canby Philadelphia Custom Double Medicine Cabinet, Oversized, White, Left Hinge, Visible Hinge, Wall Mount

Product By : Canby Cabinets

Canby Philadelphia Custom Double Medicine Cabinet, Oversized, White, Left Hinge, Visible Hinge, Wall Mount .


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