VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope

Looking for VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope Great Deals, Online shopping, VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope Read Product Review, Features, Specs, Description, Check Prices Update & More satisfactory for this item reviews! VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope

VWR VistaVision Upright Compound Microscopes Microscopes feature exceptional contrast and resolution, brilliant uniform illumination, and highly durable mechanical elements. The viewing head is of the Siedentopf design with single diopter adjustment. The 6V, 20W Koehler illumination provides uniform intensity and the 1.25 Numerical Aperture (N.A.) Abbe condenser with iris diaphragm allows precise centering of the light path. Four-function focusing includes focus stop to protect slides/specimens and tension adjustment to prevent slippage. Microscopes with semi-planachromatic objectives are ideal for use in advanced educational settings. To reduce observation time, the parfocal and parcentered objectives maintain focus, the precisely graduated mechanical stage with ergonomic controls improves location accuracy, and high eye point eyepieces help zero in on the sample. Specimens and samples are doubly protected via the focus stop and spring-loaded retractable lenses (40x and 100x). Microscopes feature a heavy metal frame and an all-metal focusing mechanism for durability. Microscopes with planachromatic or achromatic objectives are ideal for research settings. Their large frames provide a stable, vibration-free base, facilitating viewing and image documentation. A large, coaxial mechanical stage with precise 2.0µm graduations, ultra-low controls, and a five-position reverse pitch objective turret make it easy to load slides and locate specimens. The planachromatic objectives provide sharp, flat images to the periphery of the field of view, minimizing spherical and chromatic aberrations. The achromatic objectives are ideal for samples like liquids and IC wafers that require a longer working distance. Microscopes are designed for long hours of observation without fatigue. All microscopes are supplied with 4x, 10x, 40xR, and 100xR (oil) objectives. The 40x and 100x oil objectives feature a retractable len The product referenced on this detail page is sold be Each.

VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope
Product By : VWR

VWR VistaVision Semi-Planachromatic Monocular Head Microscope #.


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