Shop Crane - 1/2 Ton Capacity with 12' Span & 10' Overall Height

✚✚✚ Shop Crane - 1/2 Ton Capacity with 12' Span & 10' Overall Height

Move Heavy Loads With Ease! Shop CraneTM is an overhead crane system that turns heavy lifting in your garage into a one person job.

Shop Crane distributes the weight of your load over a system consisting of a bridge and two parallel runways. By spreading the weight out, movement and positioning of loads up to 1000 pounds becomes effortless. No more positioning cherry picker wheels beneath an object, and no reason to recruit friends to help you with a job.

Maximizes Your Shop Space - With narrow support columns that can be tucked into your shop's corners or next to your garage door, Shop CraneTM will give you full lifting coverage in your work bay without becoming an obstacle.

Worried about headroom? Shop CraneTM was designed to maximize the amount of lift possible in standard garages. The bridge runs along the top of the system's runways, increasing the amount of usable area in your work bay.

Simple Installation - Shop CraneTM was designed for easy installation in your garage without a lot of assembly, special tools or forklifts. Our components, while very strong, are light enough that two people will be able to lift them without difficulty. With common hand tools, two step ladders and a hammer drill, your Shop CraneTM system will be assembled and ready in just a couple of hours.

We charge sales tax in New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Michigan, and Washington.

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Shop Crane - 1/2 Ton Capacity with 12' Span & 10' Overall Height - Move Heavy Loads With Ease! Shop CraneTM is an overhead crane system that turns heavy lifting in your garage into a one person job.

Shop Crane distributes the weight of your load over a system consisting of a bridge and two parallel runways. By spreading the weight out, movement and positioning of loads up to 1000 pounds becomes effortless. No more positioning cherry picker wheels beneath an object, and no reason to recruit friends to help you with a job.

Maximizes Your Shop Space - With narrow support columns that can be tucked into your shop's corners or next to your garage door, Shop CraneTM will give you full lifting coverage in your work bay without becoming an obstacle.

Worried about headroom? Shop CraneTM was designed to maximize the amount of lift possible in standard garages. The bridge runs along the top of the system's runways, increasing the amount of usable area in your work bay.

Simple Installation - Shop CraneTM was designed for easy installation in your garage without a lot of assembly, special tools or forklifts. Our components, while very strong, are light enough that two people will be able to lift them without difficulty. With common hand tools, two step ladders and a hammer drill, your Shop CraneTM system will be assembled and ready in just a couple of hours.

We charge sales tax in New York, Pennsylvania, Alabama, Michigan, and Washington.

  • Turns heavy lifting into a one-person job, without taking up valuable garage space
  • Installs easily in a few hours with common hand tools, ladders, and a hammer drill
  • Bridge Span = 12', Overall Height = 10', Capacity = 1/2 ton, Weight = 897 lbs
  • Price includes - (4) columns, (2) runways, (1) bridge, (2) end trucks, and (1) hoist trolley
  • Standard system length requires minimum 16' bay depth
  • Shop Crane - 1/2 Ton Capacity with 12' Span & 10' Overall Height?

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